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How to remove Spyware files

Here are some simple steps to remove the spyware files off your computer:
  1. Make sure your system can view system files and the hidden files
  2. Close all applications
  3. Restart your computer and enter into Safe Mode. Spyware programs usually fail to operate when Windows is in Safe Mode.
  4. Check process that is running using CTRL+ALT+DEL and stop the program that is doubted. If you cannot use Windows Task Manager, you can try replacing it with Process Explorer Utility:
  5. After spyware program is successful removed, MS-DOS to remove the spyware file.
  6. Click Start->Run then type cmd.exe and click OK Command to remove spyware file is as follows:
del \folder\trojannamefile.exe

C:\> del \folder\trojanfilename.exe

7. If that file still cannot be removed, change the attribute file using :

attrib -r -s -h namafailtrojan.exe

C:\> attrib -r -s -h trojanfilename.exe

8. If it still not successful, try remove it using Move On Boot program.


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